Thursday, December 29, 2011

A peaceful and prosperous 2012...

May all who read this have a peace-filled 2012. May you live without fear. May you treat others well. Nehmah

Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's digital for Nehmah...

This past weekend we celebrated 45 years of marriage. It was a quiet day for us. He had his Saturday bible study group, while I sewed, frantic to get stuff done by the 25th. We went out to shop for a joint gift and a meal. The gift was a digital camera and extras. Our last camera purchase was in October of 1994 when we went to the UK for my 50th birthday (b-day was in February-I mean why rush things?) It saw yeoman's duty when grandchildren were born.
Due to tremors I can no longer use a film camera. Either I drop the film under the couch or the photos look like they were shot during the 1906 SF earthquake. Digital is the only way to go. The colors are terrific, I can't cut off heads as there is a wee box to center images. Colors adjusted automatically, however they have not quite perfected the software to clean up (virtually) the mess behind the shootee. Best of all, the picture is on a teeny monitor so I know if the shot is good or ICK! Since I probably won't be posting I'll wish the readers a Happy Holiday and peaceful 2012. Nehmah62

Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's HOW many days till Christmas?...

I am deep into holiday sewing for two of the four grandchildren. I had from December 2, when the last of the taffeta fabrics arrived, until December 19, when we get the dresses ready for the Xmas tree. Due to sudden rearranging of schedules, I must have both dresses ready for a photo op with Santa this Saturday December 10 at 9 AM.
Dress one-red plaid taffeta is finished enough it can be worn for that specific appointment. Dress two-blue plaid taffeta is cut and prepped for a temporary finish by Friday night. After Saturday morning, both will be returned, the temporary closure of Velcro will be removed, skirts sewn to bodices, and zippers added. Then, should I have enough time, I will make the matching underskirts for the girls. While they are celebrating the holidays with the other grandparents elsewhere, I will be finishing the Barbie dresses and copies of their 2011 dress for the cloth dolls made from a Brown House Dolls pattern.
If you are looking for a really sound pattern for other than the red-headed kid (although she has that also) GOTO: link to doll site
May all of you who read have a peaceful holiday season. Take care, don't drink and drive. People would miss you were you to die. Cordially, Nehmah62